About Us
Do Your Best.
Be Your Best.
Do Your Best. Be Your Best
About Us
Forrest Cunningham II
Master Instructor
- 1975 city of Columbus, Ohio parks and recreation city champion Olympic style weightlifting. 148Lb Wt. class-220Lb. clean and jerk at age 15
- 1982 400 Lb bench press at 195Lb body weight. self trained.
- Korean Kung Fu black belt 1984. Chicago, Illinois.
- 2 years judo training and competition Fort Wayne Indiana 1995-1997
- 29 years Tae Kwon Do training 1990-2019. Fort Wayne Indiana 25 years teaching Tae Kwon Do 5th Dan 2014
- 2016 AAU Indiana state gold medalist Tae Kwon Do
Hobbies and interests
- Mountain biking
- Hiking
- White water rafting
- Rock concerts
- Listening to The Ramones, Cramps, Meat Puppets, Johnny Cash etc
- Comedian Jim Gaffigan
- Old fashioned drive in movies
- My Camaro
My Perspective
I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. After moving to the Chicago-land area for 9 years I landed in Fort Wayne Indiana in 1986. I like to travel and have traveled to many cities in the US and Canada. In all my travels I have not found a better place to raise a family, run a business and interact with so many interesting and down to earth people than Fort Wayne, Indiana. my goal is to give back and support the community at large that has helped me become a successful father, business owner and person. My knowledge of positive attitude and health are gifts of which I wish to share.
Affordable Tae Kwon Do Classes
Whether you’re looking to become physically fit or mentally tough, Cunningham’s Fort Wayne Tae Kwon Do can help you grow into the person you want to be. For an affordable price, you can learn the reliable style of self-defense which traces its roots back to Mudokwan school of Tae Kwon Do and the Kukkiwon (National Training Hall) of South Korea. Contact us today to get your first lesson for FREE!

Experienced Tae Kwon Do Master
Cunningham’s Fort Wayne Tae Kwon Do was originally founded as Oh’s Tae Kwon Do in the mid-1970s before being transferred to Master Instructor Cunningham in 2002 when Grand Master Oh retired. Learn the skills you need while training under an experienced master instructor today!

Tae Kwon Do reputation you can trust
2013 and 2014 Reader’s Choice Award Winner, voted Best Martial Arts School in Northeast Indiana
Privately owned (not a franchise)
FREE lesson when you call 260-471-2500 today!

Certified Tae Kwon Do instructors
Master instructor Forrest Cunningham learned directly from Grand Master Oh for 12 years before receiving ownership of the business
Certified by the World Tae Kwon Do Federation
Certified by the Amateur Athletic Union